Dates and Deadlines

1 October

Deans of Arts, Business, Science and FGSR should have all submissions for the upcoming academic year entered in the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system. Each Dean should set a date for departments to submit proposals such that the Faculty Executive and Faculty Council have sufficient time to review submissions. Graduate submissions require the approval of FGSR.

Last Friday in October

All approved submissions need to be at the University Curriculum Committee to be included in the Academic Calendar for the upcoming academic year.

Last Friday in November

Final meeting of the University Curriculum Committee for items that will be presented at the December Senate meeting. Issues raised with the Deans and departments must be resolved by this time if the proposals are to be included in the Academic Calendar for the upcoming academic year.

Second Friday in December

University Curriculum Committee presents its report to Senate for approval.

Second Week of February

The Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system is open to full time faculty for entering submissions to be included in the Academic Calendar for the next academic year.

Third Week of February

Deans and Associate Deans of Arts, Business, Science and FGSR preview upcoming Academic Calendar.

Last Week of March

The upcoming Academic Calendar is published on the Saint Mary’s University Website.

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