The centre is engaged in a multi-year partnered research project investigating the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian co-operatives and their resilience. This project is commissioned by Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) and will be completed as a triple partnership between the centre, The Research & Education Institute for Cooperatives & Mutuals (IRECUS) of the Université de Sherbrooke, and the Shannon School of Business at Cape Breton University.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected Canadian co-operatives and mutuals? How have they adapted or responded to the COVID-10 pandemic? Is the co-operative difference apparent in this time of crisis? This study aims to explore these questions, as we believe it will benefit the Canadian co-operative and mutual sector, the associations that support them across the country, and policymakers.
Literature review: To understand how the co-operative sector has weathered and responded to past crises, as well as identify their main resilience factors.
Media review: To learn how the Canadian co-operative sector has responded to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic (March 1, 2020, to May 1, 2021).
Interviews and survey: To identify the measures taken by Canadian financial and non-financial co-operatives, mutuals and associations and federations that support them to deal with the pandemic of COVID-19 and its effects.
Economic study: To determine, using statistical analysis, the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian co-operative sector, in comparison with the Canadian economic performance in general.
The participation of all co-operative actors will be instrumental in creating a true and relevant portrayal of the situation.
Merrien, A.-M., Fouquet, É., & Charbonneau, J. (2022). Canadian Co-operatives and Mutuals: Results of a Survey on the First 18 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Centre for Co-operative Management Working Paper and Case Study Series 04/2022. Working Paper 2022-04
El-Youssef, H., Charbonneau, J., Fouquet, É., Guillotte, C.-A., Jankovic, I., Merrien, A.-M., Novkovic, S. & Duguid, F. (2021). Industry Reports & Media Review on Co-operative Responses to the Pandemic. International Centre for Co-operative Management Working Paper and Case Study Series 06/2021. Working Paper 2021-06
Merrien, A.-M., Charbonneau, J., Duguid, F., El-Youssef, H. Fouquet, É., Guillotte, C.-A., Jankovic, I. & Novkovic, S. (2021). Literature Review on Co-operative Resilience in Times of Crisis. International Centre for Co-operative Management Working Paper and Case Study Series 05/2021. Working Paper 2021-05
Sonja Novkovic, ICCM, Saint Mary's University:
Claude-André Guillotte, IRECUS, University of Sherbrooke:
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