Online Learning

Saint Mary’s University offers online learning to students who may not have the chance to pursue their education.  Online courses are an alternative learning mode designed to allow students to take charge of their education and build their course schedule to fit their lifestyle.

Students learn with other students in a web-based social learning community.  Sharing ideas and supporting each other using D2L Brightspace and during live web classes. Relating your personal experience while critically examining ideas and theories using Brightspace discussion boards and assignments helps develop friendships and a purpose for learning.

Online courses are rigorous and paced at the same rate as campus-based course. Students who are self-disciplined and organized seem to fair better in this type of course mode, but any student is invited to register for an online course.

To be active in an online course you should:

  • be prepared to devote on average 7 hours of time per week to your course
  • relate your own experience to the course materials
  • critically question the course concepts and theories
  • connect and share with your peers and instructor insights and reflections
  • proactively seek help when needed
  • communicate daily so instructors know you are there

Those students who often come for the convenience of taking an online course normally enrolls in an additional online course as a result of the quality of teaching and peer support.

Ready to get started...

Click on the links below or contact us at for more information

Contact us
Online Learning
Atrium 213